--> Manchester City vs Manchester United Matchday Stats Preview | My Hack Stuff

Manchester City vs Manchester United Matchday Stats Preview

Manchester City vs Manchester United Matchday Stats Preview 

This match is a repeat of last year’s FA Cup final, where Manchester City beat Manchester United 2-1 to complete the second part of their league title, FA Cup and Champions League treble. It’s the second time in FA Cup history the same fixture has been played in the final in consecutive years, after Blackburn Rovers vs Queen’s Park in 1884 and 1885.

Manchester City have won both Premier League meetings with Manchester United this season, beating them 3-0 at Old Trafford and 3-1 at the Etihad. The last time they beat their neighbours three times in the same campaign was in 1969-70.

Manchester United have lost six of their last seven meetings with Manchester City in all competitions (W1), including each of the last three in a row. They last lost four consecutively against them between 2013 and 2014.

Manchester United have won five of their last seven FA Cup games against Manchester City. However, both defeats in that run have come in games at Wembley Stadium (2011 semi-final, 2023 final).

Manchester City could complete the league title and FA Cup double for the third time, something only previously achieved by Manchester United (1993-94, 1995-96 and 1998-99) and Arsenal (1970-71, 1997-98 and 2001-02). The Citizens did so in 2018-19 and 2022-23, and thus could become the first ever team to do so in consecutive campaigns.

Manchester United finished 8th in the Premier League this season, the lowest ranked side to play in the FA Cup final since Arsenal beat Chelsea 2-1 in 2020. There have been six previous occasions of a side finishing 8th or lower facing that season’s champions in the showpiece – Aston Villa (10th) beat Manchester United 2-1 in 1957, but since then such sides have lost all five finals by an aggregate score of 15-0.

Manchester United are looking to win the FA Cup for the 13th time, something only Arsenal (14) have ever done more. However, the Red Devils have failed to win the trophy in four of their last five final appearances, with the exception coming in 2016 against Crystal Palace under Louis van Gaal (2-1).

Manchester City are aiming to win the FA Cup for the eighth time and for the first time ever in consecutive years. Meanwhile, Manchester United have lost the showpiece in consecutive years once before, doing so in 1957 (vs Aston Villa) and 1958 (vs Bolton).

Manchester City are unbeaten in their last 35 matches in all competitions (W29 D6) – it’s the second longest run by a top-flight club in English football history, after Nottingham Forest’s run of 40 in 1978.

Manchester United have lost 19 games and conceded 84 goals in all competitions this season. They last lost 20 in a campaign in 1973-74 (22) and last conceded more than 84 in 1963-64 (89).

Manchester City have won each of their last 11 matches in the FA Cup; excluding byes and void games, there have only been two longer winning runs in the competition’s history – Blackburn Rovers (20 between 1883 and 1886) and Chelsea (13 between 2009 and 2011).

Manchester United beat Liverpool 4-3 in the FA Cup quarter-final and drew 3-3 with Coventry City in the semi-final; the Red Devils had only conceded 3+ goals in two of their previous 111 matches in the competition combined, while they’ve never done so in three consecutive games.

With Man City boss Pep Guardiola and Man Utd’s Erik Ten Hag meeting in the showpiece last year, this is the first time a pair of league managers has gone head-to-head in more than one FA Cup final (excluding replays).

Man City’s Phil Foden has been involved in 10 goals in his last nine appearances in all competitions, scoring nine and assisting one. He’s also netted six goals in his last five games against Manchester United, while only against Brighton (8) has he scored more career goals than his six against the Red Devils.

Man City’s Erling Haaland is the top scoring Premier League player in all competitions this season with 38 goals. He netted 52 times last season and could become the first Premier League player to score 40+ in consecutive campaigns.

Erling Haaland has been involved in nine goals in five appearances against Manchester United in all competitions (6 goals, 3 assists), more than he has against any other side as a Manchester City player.

Bruno Fernandes scored from the penalty spot for Manchester United in last season’s FA Cup final. He could become the fifth Manchester United player to score in the showpiece in two different years, after Bryan Robson (1983 and 1990), Norman Whiteside (1983 and 1985), Mark Hughes (1990 and 1994) and Eric Cantona (1994 and 1996).

Man City’s Kevin De Bruyne has assisted three goals in FA Cup finals, setting up Gabriel Jesus in 2019 and both of Ilkay Gündogan’s strikes last season. No player on record (since 1962) has provided more assists in FA Cup finals than the Belgian (Olivier Giroud also three).

Marcus Rashford has scored six goals for Manchester United against Manchester City in all competitions, only netting more against Leicester (8) and Liverpool (7). Four of his six goals against the Citizens have put Manchester United ahead in the match.

Both Phil Foden and Erling Haaland scored for Man City in both Premier League meetings with Manchester United this season; in Manchester derby history, only two players have ever scored in three separate meetings within the same season, with Dennis Viollet (1956-57) and Paul Scholes (2003-04) both doing so for the Red Devils.



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My Hack Stuff: Manchester City vs Manchester United Matchday Stats Preview
Manchester City vs Manchester United Matchday Stats Preview
My Hack Stuff
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