What if we fell inside black hole?
Specialists talked about this question that what would happen if we fell inside black hole? Last week scientists released the image of a black hole located in the center of the Messier 87 galaxy, some 55 million light-years from Earth.
An international team of scientists presented on April 10 the first photo of a black hole, a fact that can be considered a historic achievement of astrophysics.
Disseminated by the network of observatories known as the Event Horizon Telescope , the image is a milestone that tests one of the pillars of modern physics: Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, presented in 1915.
The news could not help but generate generalized questions about black holes. Below, we present answers to some of them, provided by NASA scientists, as well as Russian astrophysicists.
What are black holes?
A black hole is a place in space where gravitation is so high that even light can not overcome it. This is because the matter in that place is very tight in a relatively small space, as a result of the death of a star.
What is the event horizon?
The horizon of events or events is the point at a distance from the center of that rotating celestial object where matter or energy, when crossing it, can not escape from gravity. Mathematically, escape from the event horizon is impossible, since it would mean the inversion of time.
How big are black holes?
Black holes can be large or small. According to NASA scientists , a black hole can theoretically be the size of an atom, but have a mass of a large mountain.
Graphic representation of a black hole. / Lynette Cook / www.globallookpress.com
A type of black hole is called ' stellar '. It is formed when a star of between 20 and 60 masses of the Sun becomes a supernova and imploses by compressing matter. The mass of such black holes ranges from 5 to 60 solar masses.
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An example of a supermassive black hole was shown on April 10 in the galaxy M87 , and has billions of solar masses.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, also has a supermassive black hole, of 4 million solar masses, which is located in the center of it and is called Sagittarius A.
How are they formed?
Scientists believe that stellar black holes are the product of the implosion of a supernova, while supermassive black holes are formed along with galaxies. At the same time, the smallest objects appeared with the creation of the Universe.
If they are 'black', how do scientists detect them?
You can not see them because their high gravity sends all incoming light to the middle of the black hole. These are literally invisible and absorb all the electromagnetic radiation, so no telescope available to humanity (whether radio, X-ray, optical or gamma) can detect them.
However, scientists can see how their gravity affects the stars and the gas around them.
What would happen if a person fell into a black hole?
On the one hand, the hole would begin to compress it and on the other, stretch it. "There is a famous problem, and it is what would happen to a cosmonaut if it entered a black hole, would it rip its head off or compress it? The correct answer is that it would tear its head off," says Meduza, quoting Stanislav Babak and Yuri. Kovaliov, astrophysicists of the Institute of Physics and Technology of Russia. When crossing the horizon of events, the space-time is deformed and that deformation would grow rapidly until the cosmonaut reaches the singularity, they assured.