--> China's Hainan province is not less than a tourist destination | My Hack Stuff

China's Hainan province is not less than a tourist destination

China's Hainan province Intro

Hainan is the southern province of China and the largest tourist destination. Ten years ago people living in other areas of China were less familiar with the beauty of this region, but now this province is not only China but it has become the destination of tourists around the world.

China's Hainan became the most popular from non-popular 10 years? Not less than the tourist's paradise

A 4-hour airline has to travel to Beijing's 2,000 280 km away from Beijing, but as soon as you enter the Hainan boundaries, you see the feelings of freshness falling below the window of the ship. Then when cooling out of the ship comes to you, then all the tiredness of the trip will be removed.

Our first study was the City, which is connected to 30 different air routes that combine 14 countries and regions. With an estimated 7 lakh 65 thousand population and 258 km coastal stripes, there are approximately 2,000 square kilometers.

Here is 7 hours a day clean and the average temperature is 25 degrees centigrade. To get the attention of citizens of famous countries for tourism, an online visa facility has been provided for 59 countries, but this list does not include Pakistan's name.

Hainan is the southern province and the largest tourist destination in China - Photo Mohammad Imran

Hainan is the southern province and the largest tourist destination in China - Photo Mohammad Imran

Hainan not only has become the destination of the world but also around the world - Photo Mohammad Imran

Hainan not only has become the destination of the world but also around the world - Photo Mohammad Imran

There are 40 thousand rooms available in many resorts and guest houses to facilitate tourists in Sanyan city, while local people are also built for a room tourist in their homes.

There are almost branches of the world's largest brands in the hotel industry. After Dubai, the second largest branch of Atlantis is in the same city, which was opened for tourists in April 2018. The specialty of this resort is that the tourists who stay in another hotel can also use the Aquariums, Underwater Restaurant and Waterside Water Park facility by giving 500 yuan here.

China's Hainan province

There are branches of the world's largest brands in the hotel industry here - Photo Mohammad Imran

There are branches of the world's largest brands in the hotel industry here - Photo Mohammad Imran

Akram-Photo Mohammad Imran

Akram-Photo Mohammad Imran

Nearly 40,000 rooms are available in many resorts and guest houses to facilitate tourists in Saini - Photo Mohammad Imran

Nearly 40,000 rooms are available in many resorts and guest houses to facilitate tourists in Saini - Photo Mohammad Imran

Here is 7 hours a day clearing and the average temperature is 25 degrees centigrade - photo Omar Omar

Here is 7 hours a day clearing and the average temperature is 25 degrees centigrade - photo Omar Omar

On the low floor of this hotel 56 minutes a day of rent in the room is equivalent to Rs. 30 lakh, but I think this expensive accommodation can not compete relatively cheaply on the top floor of this hotel. Passes on the Family Suite Terrace on the 26nd Floor, moments will be included in the memorable moments of my life, there is no alternative to a pleasant feeling coming from the blue sea.

The 69% of the cats contained in the area and it has 19 beaches on the coastal strip. Apart from Beach Tourism, religious and festival tourism is also being promoted. Here you will find daily hundreds of newly married couples doing photos session to save the happy moments of your new life at various beautiful places in the city.

69% of the cats contained in the forest - photo Mohammad Imran

69% of the cats contained in the forest - photo Mohammad Imran

The beaches have 19 beaches on the beach strip - Photo Mohammad Imran

The beaches have 19 beaches on the beach strip - Photo Mohammad Imran

Saini beach - Photo Mohammad Imran

Saini beach - Photo Mohammad Imran

Saini beach - Photo Mohammad Imran

Saini beach - Photo Mohammad Imran

Heli Service in China's Hainan province

There is also a heli service to air a coastal strip airline, even if you can enjoy surfing. The International Film Festival and Miss World competition are also being organized to bring people connected to the shobs.

Hainan province is a successful model for increasing poverty due to tourism promotion, here regular races are organized by local governments to develop rural areas for developmental activities and beauty. The village which is winning this competition is awarded. Along with poverty reduction, villagers have been informed how they can live better than living their culture while living in their area.

The color of culture in the stories - Muhammad Imran

The color of culture in the stories - Muhammad Imran

Shamy village beauty has been highlighted by 6 months of short-term development work in Chung High City. Last year, the famous city famous for the celebrity of the Five Star Valley is that people from there know nose to flute, and this is their job too. The village is present in various places in the form of the towers and perform tourists looking for them. Bamboo Dance is also part of this village's culture.

The art of playing nose from the nose Mohammad Imran

The art of playing nose from the nose Mohammad Imran

Playing on nose flute is now his job - Photo Mohammad Imran

Playing on nose flute is now his job - Photo Mohammad Imran

On the other hand, you will see Coconut and Palm Tree. The tree did not move from itself, but the local administration here has begun to bring this area closer to the other major tourist places in the world.

The mountains are here and there is also a lot of benefits. They are grown in such a way that the mango, pomegranate, ammunition and various fruit gardens are grown on the mountain. The mango tree is not more than 3 meters, but still it gives fruit. Mammals known as Trita Fairy and Terbalap in Pakistan are special products and there is a lot of similar taste in the taste.

On the other hand, you will see Coconut and Palm Tree - Photo Mohammad Imran

On the other hand, you will see Coconut and Palm Tree - Photo Mohammad Imran

Groundwater structure is also being cultivated here corn and rice. In order to improve the agriculture sector, a research center has been formed in the name of PhD Fields of National Park, where 500 types of rice is being cultivated by various countries including Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh. The walls of the wall Temple Diana Sares have been created here to create the element of tourist interest here. As soon as you pass through these statues, shaking this head, you call on welcoming different voices.

The image of the ocean house surroundings and the coconut's flower production feature reflects on the foods here. You can stay at someone's tenant or stay in any reserve, Seafood on the dining table and rice with Coconut will be found. Even coconut and rice are available in the sweet.

Audiences - Photo of Mohammad Imran

Audiences - Photo of Mohammad Imran

China is also preparing to leave everyone inside Asia as well as other fields like Cruise and Yachts. The crown made a cruise port on a artificial island in the cunts and initially it is targeted that there can be 4 cranes of anchor every day. Development work on artificial island continues. Here the international conference hall will be built and then different people will be invited to block the experiences of each other from the people of this area. Similarly, at the Yacht port, business opportunities have been provided to the world's largest companies.

Duty Free Store is another great feature for tourists. The local administration claims that there is Asia's largest duty free shop here, but I was disappointed to know that there is no mobile phone and laptop available, apart from buying what you want and if the item is purchased There is a different procedure if it is done.

Seafood and Coconut are the main part of the foods here - Photo Mohammad Imran

Seafood and Coconut are the main part of the foods here - Photo Mohammad Imran

A Chinese dish-picture Mohammad Imran

A Chinese dish-picture Mohammad Imran

There is also a high-speed train facility in addition to spacious highways to go from one city to another city in Hainan. Since there are several mountains on the way here, there are also tunnels to facilitate travel. There is a daily wash to keep busy roads clean.

Like the rest of the cities of China, there is also an online taxi service from the government that is very cheaper than private taxi.

Talking about the train, high speed train travels from 245 to 250 kilometers per hour. We traveled from Saini to High Speed ​​Train to Cheng High City and it was a great experience for me because once I had encouraged a train trip to Lodhran to Islamabad in Pakistan, which was so much for me. It was a difficult journey that I had to get to Multan station and catch it again. But after the journey in the train, my imagination just changed to the railway journey. During the journey I found out that this is a second-level high-speed train, whereas the first level high speed train runs at a distance of 350 km / h.

During my 5-day stay in Hainan I also got a chance to run a bicycle. When I was riding the beach from my hotel, I was in touch with the Torst Police. One of the amazingest of his training is that whatever you talk to them, they will not be angry but will try to solve your problem.

Most Chinese residents do not understand English, so the transition app is supported. The police official of the Justast Police also appears to be trying to guide through the app when the signs and broken pieces are not understood in English.

On the return from the Hyic Milan International Airport, we traveled to Beijing via the Hanian Airline and when the passage of 4-hour Hanoi's memorable memories, I did not know.

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My Hack Stuff: China's Hainan province is not less than a tourist destination
China's Hainan province is not less than a tourist destination
My Hack Stuff
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